Health in Västerbotten survey

Health on equal terms is a national survey on health and living conditions. In 2022 the survey includes 21 500 Västerbotten county citizens from the age of 16. If you are one of them, you receive a letter in the mail asking you to respond to the survey.

The purpose is to learn about the health of the population in Sweden and its counties and follow changes in health over time. The survey is conducted every other year by The Public Health Agency of Sweden. Statistics Sweden oversees its distribution and collection of responses.

Investigating and monitoring how health evolves among the population is important. It allows us to detect crucial changes in people’s health and health differences between groups. For example, the survey investigates whether various health problems are increasing or decreasing among the population and which groups are most affected.

The answers contribute to:

  • Understanding the health situation in Västerbotten, and how to influence and improve it.
  • Comparing the health in Västerbotten with the rest of Sweden.
  • Providing politicians with health statistics and facts.

Your answers are valuable and well protected

Participating in this survey is voluntary, but we hope you would like to contribute as your answers are very valuable.

All your personal data and answers are protected by law. The team working with the survey obeys professional secrecy and no connection to individuals can be made in the survey result.

How to answer the Health on equal terms survey

Participants for the survey have been randomly selected. If you have been selected, you receive a letter in Swedish in the mail. The letter contains links and log in details to provide your answers digitally.

English translation of the survey letter


Please contact ut with any questions regarding the survey.
090-785 71 91