Cecilia Björnfot

I work as a PhD student at the Department of Radiation Sciences at Umeå university. The overarching aim with my work is to develop measurements of intracranial arterial stiffness and investigate its role in the Glymphatic system and the blood brain barrier integrity in aging. Furthermore, I work as a technician at the University Hospital of Umeå at the medical technician department. â€¯ 

Degree of Master of science in Engineering physics at Umeå university 2018 

Research and Development projects  
PhD student at the Department of Radiation Sciences at Umeå university since the fall 2019 

Scientific Publications  
Sepublication list at Umeå University’s webpage. 

E-mail: Cecilia.Bjornfot@regionvasterbotten.se or Cecilia.Bjornfot@umu.se 
Homepage at Umeå university