InnoGS - Innovation Through Gamification Solutions

The "Innovation through Gamification Solutions (InnoGS)" project addresses regional and rural development by tackling common challenges like youth and underrepresented group integration, skill shortages, and talent retention. InnoGS focuses on digitalization and gamified approaches, which make activities for users engaging and motivating, usable to benefit public and private sectors.

InnoGS logo


Pilots create vibrant place-based communities in the forms of innovation ecosystems (regional “Digital Innovation Districts”, hubs, clusters) provide a physical co-creation space for end users and are scaled internationally.

Key outputs include skill development programs, gamified solutions taken up for public authorities and industries, and improved digital infrastructure.

A transnational approach enables knowledge sharing and scalability of solutions, ensuring InnoGS’ benefits are transferable. This collaboration will enhance regional resilience and boost economic and social opportunities for rural areas.


Lead partner
Savonia University of Applied Sciences (Finland)


Region Västerbotten (Sweden)

Creative Crowd AB (Sweden)

Galway Film Resource Centre CLG t/a Ardán (Ireland)

Humak (Finland)

Government of Greenland (Greenland)

University of Iceland (Iceland)


Funded by
Interreg Northern Periphery and Arctic

Duration: 36 months
Start: 20250330



Total budget    1.603.953,39 Eur
Total funding   1.042.569,69 Eur

ERDF    834.847,99 Eur
Iceland   103.713,94 Eur
Greenland   104.007,76 Eur

Magnus Rudehäll Enhetschef Digitalisering och Innovationsledning
070-608 48 88
Bild på Magnus Rudehäll
Tapio Alakörkkö Strateg Digitalisering och Innovationsledning
076-11 56 738