The RESIST project is co-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) under the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme.

Workshopbild från mötet som var för RESIST i Västerbotten
Foto: Projektets

In the RESIST project (Regional Ecosystems for Social Innovation and Social Transformation), regional authorities, business support organizations and sectoral agencies develop a model of how to open up existing regional innovations ecosystems for social innovators and social entrepreneurs tackling societal and environmental challenges.

The project partners explore the concept of “clusters of social and ecological innovation” (CSEI) as a model for fostering cross-sectoral collaboration, and they develop and test a programme to improve the capacity of innovation support actors to foster social innovation.


Duration: 11/2023 - 10/2026

Total budget: 3 621 705 Euro

  • EU funding: 2 577 444 Euro
  • Norwegian funding: 199 950 Euro


Jörgen Niemann Strateg Innovation
076-843 89 86