NYHETER 2019-10-03

EU Arctic Forum 3-4 oktober 2019

For the EU and Sweden, Västerbotten is an important part of the European Arctic. In order to protect the interests of our region and contribute to global sustainability, Region Västerbotten has its agenda for the Arctic. It takes its starting point in the regional development strategy and shows what opportunities Västerbotten has in an Arctic context.

Region Västerbotten wishes to;

• Contribute to the region becoming an attractive, inclusive and equal part of the Arctic, with a diversity of environments, cultures, people and perspectives.

• Exploit and spread the knowledge and experience of living and working in areas with arctic conditions, such as cold climates, sensitive environments, long distances, small and sparse population but also in growing Arctic cities.

• Contribute to strengthening local and regional influence on Arctic issues, so that people's welfare and habitat form the basis of Arctic politics.

Region Västerbotten vill;

• Bidra till att regionen blir en attraktiv, inkluderande och jämlik del av Arktis, med en mångfald av miljöer, kulturer, människor och perspektiv.

• Tillvarata och sprida kunskaper och erfarenheter av att bo, leva och arbeta i områden med arktiska förutsättningar, som kallt klimat, känsliga miljöer, långa avstånd, liten och gles befolkning men också i växande arktiska städer.

• Bidra till att stärka det lokala och regionala inflytandet i arktiska frågor, så att människors välfärd och livsmiljö utgör grunden för arktisk politik.

Focus areas

University Hospital of Umeå

Airborne Intensive Care Transports

Deep Brain Stimulation

Västerbotten Intervention Programme

Advanced Radiotherapy

The Centre for Rural Medicine in Storuman


Arctic Forum 3-4 oktober

High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini, the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Ann Linde and Commissioner Karmenu Vella will host the event.

The EU Arctic Forum will provide an opportunity to assess recent developments in the Arctic and to discuss the challenges ahead. A broad range of Arctic stakeholders representing governments, international organisations, civil society, industry, research, indigenous and local communities will feed into the discussion.

The event will build on the achievements of the EU Arctic policy in recent years and will provide a strategic outlook for the years to come. The focus will be on international cooperation, the climate-environment-ocean nexus, sustainable investments, and connectivity in the Arctic.

County Council activities

Image bank

Press room

Arctic agenda

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